Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Teaching Your Child A Foreign Language

You would be amazed of how many children and youngsters speak one or two foreign languages fluently, especially those leaving in a non-English country. English is obviously extremely easy to learn, since children have contact with it all the time, through media, video games, the Internet, toys and so forth. Obviously, if you're reading this you've probably passed that "perfect language learning age", but if you have children of your own, it might be a good idea to give them the chance to start up on a foreign language while they are still at their learning best. It has been argued that the best period to introduce a foreign language to a child is in his firstyear of life.

At around age 2, your child enters the "vocabulary explosion" period. At kindergarten age, your kid will already be fluently speaking his mother tongue (maybe the languages of both parents in a bilingual home) so some parents choose to find him a specific kindergarten that focuses on a foreign language. You'll undoubtedly find kindergartens that teach in Spanish, French, German or English (for non-English parents of course) for natives of these languages or simply for parents that want to teach these languages to their children from a young age.

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